
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) dir. Howard Hawks


Capricorn (female) being kissed by a Scorpio (male).

For some reason, I pity the poor fellow that tries to seduce a Capricorn woman because she’s really dense when in comes to her own love life and it makes the guy rather desperate to get the point across. Good thing Mr. Scorpio is good at being the one to initiate a kiss and even better Ms. Capricorn didn’t knee him in the groin, so its safe to say she likes him too… :“ D Cappy girls aren’t easy to deal with and they react violently to things or people they dislike. Although to be honest, a Capricorn woman would be happy with a kiss like this since she likes being held and pulled closely against her partner while sharing an intimate moment with him. Luckily, Mr. Scorpio is just the guy to sweep the icy Capricorn lady off her feet and into his arms. : ) 


I’ve always wondered if he kissed her there, I’m 99% sure he did though.


Saya & Haji :’)


I’m melting. MELTING I SAY!



*dead from overload of sexiness*


Favourite anime openings ✦ Blood+ { x }